Wednesday funny
Just had to share Tim Whyatt’s take on knitting. He has a hilarious site (please note, some of the humor is for “mature” audiences) at
Edited to add: Over on our Facebook page, Karla McCord shared a link to show that a Wii Knitting game has actually been beta-tested: Who’d a thunk it!?
Let’s talk lace
Many Fix-A-Stitch fans are familiar with the original tool, but did you realize we have a lace weight version to help you with finer-gauge projects, too?
Bonnie created the “daintier” Fix-A-Stitch in response to her own need for something that would easily go in and out of lace weight stitches. Its flexibility lets the tool pick up that dropped stitch much more effortlessly than a standard crochet hook could.
Recently, Bon even found ANOTHER great use for the Lace Weight Fix-A-Stitch: An avid machine embroidery user, instead of “pushing” the thread through the holes on her 10-needle machine, she used the Lace Weight Fix-A-Stitch to pull the thread through. “It was MUCH easier. Because the Lace Weight Fix-A-Stitch has a slight bend to it, I could even do the bottom hole, where a traditional crochet hook wouldn’t fit.”
Success in San Diego
Bonnie and Donna headed to the San Diego Convention Center last weekend to take part in the annual Winter Trade Show put on by The National NeedleArts Association. At their booth, they met with dozens of knit and crochetwear designers, retailers and distributors who either were introduced to the Fix-A-Stitch tool on the spot — or were coming back for more!
Here’s a look back at the weekend through the lens of Bonnie’s camera (and a few through Donna’s camera, too):