What People Are Saying…
“Love it! I am working on a very loosely knit scarf and am always dropping stitches. Fix-a-stitch fixes that far easier that any other method I have tried.”— William H.
“I absolutely LOVE this tool. My niece gave me one and it has been so handy. Unfortunately I left it too convenient for my puppy to get and he chewed the ends flat. My LYS wont be getting more in stock for 2 weeks. So I am trying to be extra careful about those pesky dropped stitches.” — Betty L.
“I got it to work! … I also got stitches that were a mess in one section corrected too. It cleaned it right up. And, it looks great, you cannot tell that there was a problem in that spot. … Now, I have a greater understanding of the “orientation of stitches” – especially for the garter stitch … I feel more confident with my knitting and fixing dropped stitches (fixing garter stitch was always such a mystery to me. Thanks” — Cindy C.
“I LOVE it! It’s brilliant, and so easy. I just wish I would have thought of it first. Even my knitting teacher was impressed. Thank you!” — April B.
“I ordered this amazing tool for my online store patchworkfrog.com, but I have already snagged one for myself. With so many patterns lately for scarves and shawls being written for garter stitch this is definitely a must have to put in my knitting bag. So much easier than flipped the work from front to back.They will definitely be a big hit with my customers.” — The Patchwork Frog
“I purchased a dozen for my store in Columbus and need to order more! My customers love them. Please send me a dozen more.” — Penny
“I could not believe how handy this little tool is. It makes picking up dropped stitches a breeze… can’t believe I haven’t found a tool like this before. A lot of my knitting friends will be getting these little goodies as a surprise gift!” — Lisa S.